deviant art binge (and deep forest!)

i spent tonight enjoying my semi-monthly deviant art binge. i went on a phoenix hunt, to be precise. two hundred…. and thirty-seven…. pages…. later (and more frakking Jean Grey crap than i ever want to see again in my LIFE), i had close to 120 new images to savor.

i’ve put a few of the favorites here. (some of the thumbnails are cropped. click them for mid-size view and click them when there to see full size.)

additionally, i re-discovered Deep Forest, a world music group that really does some amazing stuff. spun it up on the stream while i perused the images and selected the ones i wanted to have for myself.

i’ve been collecting phoenix images for a while now, and the artists at deviant art ( never let me down. some truly spectacular work there and of course, a lot that is less so. i have always wished i could draw. meh. anyway…

it’s hard to explain how i choose which images are ‘right’. they can’t just be of the phoenix. they have to be of a specific style, with a specific ‘feel’ to them, and while they don’t have to be in the amber/orange/red color ranges, i seem to prefer those that are so.

i’ll not be placing all 120 here. heh. but certainly the ‘top ten’ of my favorites. let’s see if you’re up enough on why i’m into them to figure out what they have in common and what i see in them.

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