Handing over the con(sole/soul/trol)

At this moment, there remain only three active accounts here. I am still considering things in relation to all but one of them.

As you may or may not note, someone is taking a bit of a respite for a time. In the meanwhile, I’m working on getting things in order, removing some hurtful situations, and generally insuring things move forward smoothly.

I am not forgiving on my best day. This is not my best day.

There are those of you who are appreciated and much cared for, but in the balance of things, it isn’t going to save you from the door if the only time you can be bothered is when you’ve nothing better to do. You know who you are and I suspect you know what’s here, too.

We’re going offline for a while. Maybe even a long while. This experiment in opening up and letting things through has been largely a disaster and a few over the last years have seriously reversed positive strides. It is not being allowed to continue.

Suffice to say the shift in presence here at the controls should be indication to those of you with any degree of insight. There is business to tend and things to heal and since most of you either cannot or will not lend toward it, the focus shifts to insuring you don’t tear shit up any worse.

As was presented the other day, you all have the means by which to get in touch or stay in touch once this place locks up. I would advise you not to expect much unless you’re bringing something to trade for it. I don’t have anything to give you freely at the moment and I’m fairly assertive about quid pro quo.

And yes, that’s an understatement.

If you were looking for the convenient point in time at which to make your departure, this would be it. To the one holding the ledger card, don’t worry, it is coming to you. I will see to it because that is what was wanted and it’s important here to keep the ledger balanced.

That is all.

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