banks suck

well. a good day at work. pleasant weather. blah, blah. blah.

i’m sitting here looking at my bank statement online and going W…T…F. apparently they have decided that since my account is still technically in georgia, they’re justified in not crediting my payroll direct deposit for an extra day.

who can blame them? they get the additional interest on that money AND they get to charge me $35 a pop for anything that shows up to be paid.

i’m just about at my wit’s end in general. what else can possibly go wrong? (no, don’t answer. please.)

instead of this being the payday that i get over the hump and back to remotely looking at life being in any manner normal (something i’ve been looking for, scratching for, fighting for, and hoping for for what now… eight fucking years?) i am instead saying, ‘maybe next week’ and trying to figure out how the fuck i’m going to make it to next tuesday on $2.

you heard me. two. fucking. dollars.

i am changing banks, i think. going to find a local bank that doesn’t fucking ream you every chance they get. suffice to say regions bank can bite my ass. hard and repeatedly.

sigh. two dollars. good thing i filled the tank.

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