random asides

my next door neighbor (the one who isn’t gay) came over today for a chat. actually, she came over because she’d heard i was with robert half technologies international and she’s looking for work.

i seem to be getting a lot of that lately. i give them all my recruiters name and tell them to feel free to say i referred them, but i suspect they never follow through.

this neighbor currently works as an advertising (sales) weasel for a small paper in town. she hates it. her work before this was in traditional newspaper journalism and i suspect she’s climbing back up like i am. she has the tone in her voice. hard to define, but when you’ve been there and you know it when you hear it. kind of a combination of fed up and tired and hopeful all at once.

anyway, i gave her the contact. hope she uses it. i know they have a creative division and i suspect it would do her well.

during the course of the conversation, she invited me out with her and her friends tomorrow for a ‘girls night’ and to go see the new ‘sex in the city’ movie.

awkward moment.

on the one hand, it would be getting out. with people. which i need to be doing.

on the other hand, it would be getting out with a group of women.


and all a flutter about the new ‘sex in the city’ movie.

do i really need to say i have about as much in common with that as a milkbucket under a bull? or maybe a dill pickle at a kosher wedding?

but she and i actually get along (which is rare)… so i just told her so. pretty much as i wrote it here.

she laughed and said, ‘trust me, we’re not like that. and i think you’d fit in nicely.’

sooooo… maybe i’ll go. we’ll see.

i’m actually asleep on my feet at the moment. should have been in bed hours ago, but wanted to play with age of conan some more. i’m loving the game and that’s the first time i’ve been able to say that in a while about a game.

level 12. heh. but i should be in bed.

spent tonight thinking about someone special and considering recent done-ness with things and the contradiction in play. not real sure what i’m doing about that. if anything. getting some pressure about it and pushing back mostly.

meh. moving on…

taking daka in for his booster shot tomorrow. then back for a netflix movie here. not much more to say.

i should be in bed. so i’m going.

enjoy your day.

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