
say what it is
says what it’s not
the act is always divisive
the possible

one of the true despairs in life is the manner in which, in our rush to apply the label, to think (or assume) we ‘know’, in our eagerness to feel confident in it, we will destroy the most beautiful things, the most brilliant possibilities.

reflexive humanity is a petulant child, stumbling about the garden of the world in a perpetual tantrum, kicking over anything that will not immediately accept the grasp, anything that does not instantly express approval or delight.

distinguished man, discriminating minds that treat the process as if it is somehow more than the very nourishment of all suffering.

what is hot without cold? life without death? good without bad? pleasant without painful?

one creates the other, and we rely upon them to avoid the unspoken and nameless middle; trembling upon the razor’s edge of awareness and dancing as if movement makes any difference whatever.

it’s all the same, even if you don’t know it. especially then…. now.

the seed-swirled mandala, for all the distinguishing of shape and color, is a single thing, mated to the page, object lesson and secret in plain sight.

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