what is love?

love is not that limerent sickness that knots your belly and ties your tongue. it is not that aching want that kills your appetite and brings depression. it isn’t that giddy delight when you see him/her or when s/he accepts your attention, affections, etc.

love is the calm warmth, the quiet contentment to watch someone read a book, across the room and having forgotten you’re there.

love is the soft liberty of bed head and bad breathe and it doesn’t even matter.

love is the giggles of shared mockery without sharpness or hurt.

love is cleaning up the dishes because s/he looks tired or because it really doesn’t matter who does them.

love is just because.

love is not needing a label to feel right about it.

love is being willing to be quiet because it’s more important that s/he feels good than that you speak your mind.

love is being able to love anyone and not predicate upon how they look or what they make or what they can do for you.

people scoff at me when i say i love everyone. and honestly, sometimes, i don’t love everyone right away. but i love everyone eventually. the way they smile. the intensity of their anger. the tenderness under their armor. the way they so often are afraid to ‘just say what they want or mean’ because they fear rejection or ridicule.

i love people most when i let them go, i think. i suppose that sounds odd. you know the old saying about setting something free, right? well, then you also know you’re not really setting it free, are you?

i think they should re-write that for accuracy. “if you love something, accept and admit that it is always free and be wise enough to savor it while you know it because there’s no guarantee except that all things change eventually.”

love is the ache in your heart when you think about the things that have changed, but manage not to reach for them.

i love you.

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