great victory

heh. yes. i did. get it, that is. (beam)

i start on the 22nd. paydays are weekly (thank the stars!) and in march of 2009, we’ll all huddle up to decide it i go permanent or not.

i’m going today to pick up books on agile and rup just to brush up on it all, it having been a short while since i’ve been in the thick of either.

i am relieved. i actually sagged into the wall when the call came. heh.

someone has already said to me, ‘you should of had no doubt.’ but truth be told, these last years have been very good at instilling doubt in me. moreso than i think i’ve ever had in my life.

perhaps it is time to shuck that off. i’m thinking maybe so.

in summary…

i am in seattle, the place i have been trying to get to for over a third of my life.

i have landed a dream job with a dream company in an industry i adore – gaming.

i am virtually debt free and certainly obligation free.

i can do anything i like in relation to where i want to live, what i want to do outside of work, and pretty much anything else.

and you know what? i have a feeling this is the beginning of very good things for me. in fact, for the first time in almost 15 years, i actually feel like i have ‘my life back’.

oddly, i’m not spiked or hovering near manic happiness. instead, i am calm, content, and strangely accepting. if i had to put my finger on it, i’d say i’m feeling that All Things Are In Their Right Place.

that definitely includes me.

it is a damn good feeling, or, as a favorite cartoon ‘accidental hero’ puts it, ‘this is great victory.’

indeed. (grin)

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