pre-planning and such

well, you know, for something that is pretty much a huge unexpected happening and expense, this is working out rather well.

i’ve been in touch with my recruiter and they say ‘no worries, do what you need to, just let us know what it entails and we’ll insure it’s alright with the client’. one of the benefits of having that contract portion prior to full time hire. nice.

also turns out that my benefits kick in on the first of october, not november. and the dental covers 80 percent and 100 percent if ‘necessary’ (which this definitely is)! after a midlevel deductible, of course, but still… it’s a damn sight better than having to stare that bill straight in the proverbial eye.

i go tomorrow to talk to the ‘denturist’. hah. i mean to ask him if he is endentured. no. no. i won’t do that. just think it and chuckle.

then, to schedule an appointment for the actual work. and discover what recovery time is expected to be. i plan to schedule for a friday so i have the weekend to get through any bumpy aftermath and minimize downtime. more on that as things develop, i suppose.

not much else to report. i start work on MONDAY and am still so excited i can’t stand it. and it occurs to me… this is the first step on the path to taking actual care of myself for a change.

all very good things indeed!

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