waiting on monday

ever notice how being excited about something wears you out? i start my new job on monday and i swear i’m worn out for being excited about it.

i suppose it will be a tad anti-climatic, the starting, but thankfully there will be plenty to get up on, learn, and of course, analyze so i’ll have the usual first two or three weeks of ‘brain drain’ (where i come home worn out from being an information sponge).

the recent dental adventure has me feeling frustrated for not being able to just ‘do what needs to be done’, but i suppose a few more months isn’t going to make all that much difference beyond possibly insuring that i go into a full set rather an half and a partial.

not much else happening, really. things are rather quiet. i’m enjoying that. and i’m looking forward to being able to get outside and enjoy the coming fall weather here as well. other than this, i’m back to the same refrain… ‘soon, a bed!’. heh. it has become something of a personal humor, this. on the up side, this is the last time i will be doing this… and there is a certain comfort to that knowledge.

i’m still having intermittent bouts of melancholy over ‘you know what’, but this too, shall pass. some day. perhaps when i’m settled in wherever i’m going to be living. i won’t bother going into all the things i had in my head coming out here. suffice to say that learning to ‘roll with the punches’ is a decidedly good thing.

oh, heh… there’s a frakking ikea warehouse store here. i had no idea. i haven’t had the chance to enjoy much of them beyond catalog browsing, but i do like the things they make and i may splurge on one or two things outside ‘thrift store chic’ to stock the house/home when the time comes for it.

i must say, my friend here has just… been golden. i could not have asked for a better friend, or a more understanding one. i said something to him the other day at the store and i am realizing more and more just how much i meant it. i said to him, ‘you know, you’re my friend, but you are better to me than any of my family have ever been. i’d be sad for it, but i’m too busy being thankful.’

anyway. there’s ‘the update’ for now. i’m slowly setting the mind to work mode and will be hitting the hay early saturday and sunday so i’m refreshed and ready to work on monday.

hope you’re doing well. (hug)

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