waiting for tomorrow

i had hoped to spend some time sharing my excitment over tomorrow with michael. as you can see by the previous post, that didn’t work out. not only this, i finally figure out (duh) that i’m never going to have the kind of friendship with him that i want and need. it’s time to stop pretending, time to stop trying, time to move on.

so. i am.

but enough of that. i’m excited about tomorrow. more than words can say. i’ve got my little stack of things to take to the office, and i can’t wait to get settled in and dive into things.

and of course, i can’t wait until payday. heh. the first two paydays are for getting caught up and settling debts with certain people so i can close the door. after that… saving up for the dental work and making life a little more comfortable. and after that… time to look for that waterfront studio i keep dreaming about.

it’s about ten pm here. i can’t sleep. so i’m going to meditate instead and run my litany of self-care until i can.

more on the job and such soon, i’m sure. in the meantime, hope you’re well. (smile)

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