wednesday evening thoughts

usually, when i begin a new contract or position, the first two weeks or so is utter ‘brain drain’. mostly for ramping up and absorbing information, sometimes for having to learn an entirely new industry or set of processes.

oddly, this go ’round, it’s only taken two days for the sense of inundation to pass. i’m ‘back to normal’ (i.e., not coming home ‘wiped out’, not collapsing immediately into bed for it, etc).

a first. i think perhaps it means i’ve finally found something that allows me to ‘hit on all cylinders’; the perfect combination of industry, technology, and skills that doesn’t leave me floundering to adapt, absorb, and adjust.

amazing, really. i am amazed, that is. i choose to view it as a sign that All Things Are In Their Right Place and believe you me, i’ve been waiting for it for a very, very long time.

there’s a deeper current of thought running under this, but i’m not quite ready to talk about it. so, instead, i will merely say i am smiling, i am content, i am feeling centered, settled, and capable, and it is really quite nice, indeed.

in fact… here… a short video. if you’ve been following along and you know me, you’ll see what i’m saying. (smile) as always, click through to view.


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