bee-ing funny @work

the following instant message conversation occurred today between myself and my direct report, the director of development. mind you, i’m posting this not only as an example of the fun i’m having, but also of the culture and the general perspective and willingness to have work be fun… or would that bee fun? read on…

Me: [general thanks for something he’d helped me with… which led to…]

Boss: I just know EVERYTHING 🙂

Me: Really? Good. Tell me, why do Bee’s be?

Boss: Because.

Me: Bee cause?

Boss: Yup.  Bee wildering aint it.

Me: I am bee moaning ever having started this…

Boss: As well you should bee.

Me: I bee lieve that to bee any more interested in bee ing involved in this bees iness would bee counter-productive to my bee sy schedule. Thus, al bee it with much reluctance, I bee lieve I shall bee about my bees iness rather than bee laboring this bee utifully funny and fun exchange. (grin)

Boss: Congratulations. you win.

– end of conversation –

did i mention i’m having a grand time? 🙂

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