things are really cranking up at work. and i’m cranking up right along with them. i’m hesitant to really detail it since it’s not possible without breaking nda. heh. suffice to say all the things i’ve learned along my personal and professional life are coming in very, very handy.
also, everyone is surprised how much ‘bandwidth’ i have to bring (and am bringing). it used to be that this discovery wound me up working myself out of a job. here, it’s actually gaining me stars and kudos.
yeah, i’m liking that. 🙂
my direct report is (as i’m told by my project manager) ‘stunned’ at my capacity. my project manager is giddy. he sees me as someone who can help him both shoulder the load as well as run interference and buffer as needed. he’s right. the best teams always work that way and he’s right there for me when i need it, too.
not to mention that we’re becoming friends, which is way cool because it’s been like… YEARS since i’ve made a new friend in real space as opposed to cyberspace. heh.
i haven’t been this truly enthused about work in such a very long time. mind you, i’m always enthused at the beginning, but usually by the end of the second or third week, i’ve identified one or more critical issues that i cannot do a damn thing about and which will inevitably result in ‘bad things’ happening, usually involving my loss of work.
here, there’s so much happening and i’m so pivotal and involved (already!!) that i’m actually more assured of fulfillment and rolling permanent than anything.
so yes, very nice indeed.
in other news, this week’s payroll is going to truck maintenance. brakes, tires, and a tranny flush and fill in preparation for winter. tags, title, and driver’s license as well. and i will still have enough left over to cruise very nicely along (and that, even with sticking half of the payroll wholesale into savings).
been a while since i could say that, and believe me, i’m happy to be able to say it now.
the rest of my ‘life, universe, and everything’ is pretty calm and tranquil.
that’s it for now. perhaps more later, not sure. i’ve got a roast in the oven and after i eat that, i’m likely gonna wanna do the ‘carnivore snore’. heh.
love and hugs to you. thanks for reading.