
you know what is nicest about life lately? i can do things for myself and not feel guilty about them.

for example… you all know i’m dyslexic and you know how easily i get lost. you all know how it bugs me, and you also know that, because of it, i very rarely get/go out beyond places i already know how to reach.

no more. today, just now actually, i have bid/purchased/won a magellan gps system to go into my murano.

check it out Magellan 4050 w/Traffic Kit

not only did i get a hella deal, its coming to me free shipping. i love ebay, i swear.

but, back to my point… luxuries. it’s a damn rare thing for me to be willing to buy things like this because, inevitably, something blows up in life and i’m left wishing i’d not spent that money.

no more. hah. i mean, i’m not gonna go out and start buying shoes and makeup and working on my “oh my god!” exclamations or anything, but i am definitely allowing myself to be a little less rigid/strict/stoic in relation to things that will help, make life easier, and bring a sense of safety/security/comfort to life.

besides, i couldn’t justify upgrading my cellphone yet. (grin)

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