moving on… the first

It’s 5:24pm and I’m slap worn out. I mean, TIRED, folks. But… I have a foam mattress to keep this arthritic bod happy, and some fair pieces from the thrift store run to boot.

Today was spent hitting every thrift shop I could find from this town to three towns over. The net was good, two desks, two chairs, and a HUGE ottoman. With some affection (when money permits), all the pieces will be quite nice.

A run by the local Dollar General turned up pots and pans, dishes, and utensils, all for under $40. Brought it all back home, running by the grocery store on the way. Got home and realized I had forgotten one tiny thing… silverware and glasses. Hah. Oh well. It’s soup and cereral and I can manage until next payday without, I reckon.

Internet comes tomorrow. I’m writing this after having carefully put everything together and booting up with fingers crossed. I remember one move, the PC died thanks to heavy vibration on the trip. This time, I packed it with pillows all around. Seems to have worked.

On the other hand, I’ve damaged my monitor. I now have two very noticeable and very dead groups of pixels midscreen. Bleh. Ah well.

Will be hanging up clothing before bed tonight, and should be back online tomorrow.

In more interesting news… The landlord brought by the blinds today and, apparently, I am supposed to install them. Soooo… when payday comes, a step ladder and a drill, it seems. Until then, may the peeping deer in the area enjoy! (wry grin)

Though, admittedly, I do not like the idea of my computer sitting in plain view of the road. Grr. I may ask the help of a friend over in the next town. Plead arthritis and lack of tools.

Took a break to call said friend… they can’t help. Sooo… reckon i’ll shut it down and cover it with a blanket until I can find someone to help or get a power driver or drill to get the blinds up.

That’s bout it for now… going to slurp some soup. Heh.

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