day after and such

well. sunday. a darn good time was had these last few days. i was pleased and happy that i only had a few moments of feeling like i was going to cry when she left. i’m still melancholic, of course. that will likely last a few days. she’s pretty much the only family i have and family has always been a very sore spot here… well, lack thereof.

but. enough of that. let’s see. turkey day was a hoot of cooking and eating and goobering around with evyerthing from the cats to playing magic. fairly relaxed, not a lot other than interpersonal goings on… which is plenty and good.

friday was out and about day. we took one look at the mall and said, ‘F THAT.’ heh. wound up touring the local bookstore and watching a movie both at the theater and then, later, at home. we made scented candles in a studio here… hella fun. she’d never done that before and it was one of those regressive moments when we could forget there was 10 years and 3000 miles between us and just be mom and daughter out doing something creative and fun together.

saturday, we decided to try the mall and it was not insane. heh. so we hit up teavana and i picked up more stock of that loverly thai tea and some german sugar crystals (think haughty rock candy) for home. then, we proceeded to the apple store and the kid bought me an ipod.

hah. 120gb and i barely fit 4gb on it. i love it, though. the damn thing hasn’t left my head practically since i got it. i mean, for real. playlists created (mood based) and songs divvied up between them. i’m listening to Eon’s ‘The Spice Must Flow’ right now, actually.

(aside – i’ve been trying to decide if i want to keep the music michael and i made. he’s ripped it all offline so all that’s left are the things i was wise enough to keep on the drive. i haven’t loaded them to the ipod yet. it still hurts to listen to them. sigh. meh. anyway….)

we went to the sam (seattle art museum) and had a blast. turns out you really can’t take pictures there. we had a very amusing moment shortly after taking the shot of daughter by the totem. this tall, lean fellow cruises by (and i do mean ‘cruises’… practically slid, very suave and such) and as he does, he leans in and whispers in my left ear, ‘we don’t allow photography in the galleries.’

he was gone before what he said actually registered as (a) directed at me, (b) understandable to me (i was busy looking at something at the time).

my daughter was pinked and laughing, ‘i TOLD you.’

meh. whatever. i’m just glad he didn’t catch me at it until AFTER the tibetan buddhist display. i mean, honestly, the majority of this stuff is already online in some form and most of it is public domain. wtf?

anyway. we proceeded through the italian sections and coming out of there ran into the most intriguing fellow in the elevator. he was in a rather nice mobile wheelchair and decked out to boot, with his orange ticket sticking out of his suit/lapel pocket. a very diminuiative female was with him.

as they got into the elevator, he was asking if we were going up or down. ‘down…’ i said. he chuckled and the woman with him said, ‘which is good, since we’re on the top floor.’ we all chuckled and the fellow said, ‘today is all about eliminating choices.’ and i popped back with, ‘which is as well, as they’re illusory.’ and the woman looked at the man and whispered, ‘oooh….’ and they exchanged looks which seem to indicate this was a topic of some interest to one or possibly both of them.

silly me, i was infatuated with his amazing blue eyes. so much so that when the elevator doors opened, i was out and walking quickly and the doors were closing behind me as my daughter (subtle thing that she is) says loudly, “mom, where are you going? this isn’t our floor.”

so i whip around trying to get back on, only the fellow is trying to come out and his leg (one being straight out, while the other was bent as if sitting) is jutting out of the elevator to catch the door as it’s trying to close.

essentially, his female companion is out, he is in, my daughter is in, and i’m out. he’s trying to hold the door for either her to leave or me to return, but i’m stuck in place trying to figure out why the hell i left the elevator in the first place since we were going to 2 and clearly this was 3.

having successfully held the door, he now rolled out and they were past us and on their way… i leapt back in the doors and they closed to the sound of my daughter’s laughter.

did i ever mention i get a bit discombobulated around beautiful blue eyes? let this be the evidence. (sigh)

so… we left the museum eventually and had a bite at subway. then, into the pike place market. amazing. we didn’t get to spend as much time there as i’d hoped as it was both getting dark, cooler, and my feet were killing me. a few shots, a few ducks into shops, the savoring of succulent smells wafting from the eateries and coffee shops, a bit of oohing and aahing at puget sound by twilight and then, back to the car to return and spend time together at home before her flight.

i think that was the biggest disappointment — the original trip was to last through monday, but she returned on saturday saying she’d forgotten she had class on monday. bleh. i wanted to take her to work with me. they allow ‘shadowing’ and i wanted her to see mom ‘in her element’ and the kind of work i did and, of course, the cool office and people.

next time, i suppose.

all in all, a very happy holiday weekend. not enough pictures. funny thing about that — you tend not to take pictures when you’re busy enjoying yourself.

but, what ones i remembered will be added to this post in a bit (something wrong with the flash uploader. i may need to update it first).

hope your holiday was enjoyable. hugs and love… 🙂

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