half and half (dentistry)

well. this wasn’t as bad as i feared nor was it as easy as hoped. i sit here and contemplate whether or not i should gross you out with pictures. heh. part of me wants to record it and part of me is already pretending it didn’t happen.

thirteen more to go, all in the front. apparently, they are the easiest to get out, so they get to go last.

i’m so impressed with my dentist that i truly do not know what to say. even in the drugged state i was in, i know that he drilled out extra bone from my back jaws and used it to replace bone in pockets along the jawline where it has been lost over the years.

he did this so i would stand a chance at being able to support implants in some future moment.

it is considered corrective surgery and would not be covered by insurance.

he not only didn’t mention it on the estimate, he didn’t even mention it to me. were i anything less than astute, i suspect i would never know.

i intend to recommend him to everyone i meet and am, even now, considering how best to repay him for the dedication and helpfulness he’s given me. he’s an ‘above and beyond’ kind of person. i should know. (grin)

i am also mildly surprised at how quickly i’m recovering from this. i really thought i would be down and out for days. i’m already up and around. mind you, i’ll not be able to eat more than soup or jello or juice for another two weeks, but the pain is minimal and the bleeding has stopped and other than a very, very mild swelling about the lower jaw, you can’t even tell that over half my teeth are gone.

i suppose it is a statement of sad variety to say that my jaw and gums actually hurt less today than they did the day i went in to have these teeth pulled.

in fact, i think one of my primary goals for 2009 is going to be eliminating pain from my life. understand, between the teeth issues and my arthritis, on a scale of one to ten, the average day for me is a six.

getting these teeth handled at LONG LAST will bring that down to a 4-5 immediately. finding out the latest in arthritis solutions will come soon thereafter.

who knows, maybe i can finagle my way into the gym again. stars above, i would love nothing more than to be tone and taunt as i used to be.

heh. well, ok, i can think of one thing i’d rather be doing than working out… but since it’s also a form of working out, i’ll say nothing more. (wink)

this may sound odd, but i really had become convinced that i wasn’t going to be able to get these teeth corrected/fixed. i cannot possibly tell you how wonderful it is to be halfway through the process and to know that straight, well aligned, nicely colored, unshatterable teeth are only weeks away.

and tonight is new year’s eve. heh. i think i’ll sleep through it. hope yours goes well and you feel loved. and if you don’t feel loved, please take a moment to really hear me when i tell you that i love you. (Hug)

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