note to a new friend (dating)


It’s been a bit of a while since I’ve felt the urge to write as I am used to doing. I have the sense that conversing with you is stirring things ‘back in La Brea’, the tarpits, where all things are shuttled or tossed for processing and assimilation; the ‘room in the back of the head’ so to speak. Generally, I shove all things (input, thoughts, stimuli in need of processing, ideas, etc.) there and let the physiology and psychology ‘do its thing’ with it all.

The natural outcome bubbles up over time as writing, art work, contemplation, discourse, shifts in behavior or outlook, etc. hence the term ‘La Brea’ and the complete sketch of the analogy for you.

Over time, one becomes familiar with one’s scripts and how they initiate. We have patterns. We are patterns. We are self-perpetuating loops of being that are comprised of regular routines that are enacted with those we meet and with whom we choose to interact.

If we’re mindful, aware, we develop a sense of what our ‘favorite’ patterns are and as well, what triggers them, feeds them, and causes us to seek their unfolding into new moments with new people, etc.

All of this being a rather lumpy precursor to the statement that I recognize the tingling “sensation” of a trigger, a flashpoint, a pattern initiating, a bootstrap.

In general usage, bootstrapping is the leveraging of a small initial effort into something larger and more significant. In technology/geek speak, it is a piece of programming that is self-contained and once triggered/called, can complete processing without any help. (ref:

You will find that my primary motivation in any situation or circumstance is curiosity, discovery, and exploration. I do a lot of repetitive challenge, mostly to insure I have deduced or induced the correct information. I’m not as analytical as that sounds (Hrm. I may be. Maybe.), but I know it can be tiresome or even unsettling to some.

Consider that last paragraph in the ‘fair warning’ category. I always feel like I need to warn people when they’ve touch my curiosity because it’s just… insatiable. (grin)

Anyway… this is exciting and enjoyable to and for me. Thank you for that.

And yes, NOW… I… AM going to bed. 🙂

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