Jiggering WP about a bit…

Well, as you can see, I am having some small difficulties with the theme. Currently in contact with the developer (because I really don’t want to have to get into tweaking this myself) and we’ll see where it goes. I’m a little annoyed that I can’t figure out why it’s misbehaving. I suspect something is not quite right (write) with the CSS and I know the links being placed into the media library are whacked.

Sigh. With work, classes, and such happening, I just don’t have time to dig into it myself. The point of picking up this theme was that I wouldn’t need to… meh. My karma with such things tends to be rather poor.

Anyway… until it gets fixed/patched/corrected, getting the artwork and music online is at a standstill. The migration of the other blogs and “the archives” will proceed slowly, likely very slowly, but hopefully the addition of new things here and there will keep it from being boring. A good bit of the old blog from EF will never make it here (some things are best left in the past), but you can bet your sweet smile that every shred of creative writing will. I’m also considering resuming industry posts (i.e., gaming – mmo in particular, tech industry in general, business and process analysis specifically, and perhaps mixing in a bit of architectural theory along the way). Considering that I usually only write about any of this when in the throes of annoyance, disgust, disdain, or (conversely) enthusiasm for something new or in which I see great potential, resumption will be decidedly interesting. We’ll see.

I’d go on about life, work, et al, but it’s late, I’m tired, mildly cranky, and therefore, shutting up.