Portfolio = Hiatus

Until I can get the issue with the portfolio page squared, I’m taking the page down. Most likely, if the developer isn’t able to help, I’ll switch off to FLAGallery or NextGen to manage things. Not exactly the result I was hoping for, but all things considered, far from as annoying as having to get my hands into the code. On the other hand, I got the resume page up and tested, so there is accomplishment to enjoy!

In other news, this is day two of the new pattern of working from home Monday through Wednesday. I must admit, I’m enjoying it. Not only this, I seem to put in a heck of a lot more hours (which should make the company very happy). I got lost in something work related today and looked up and it was 9pm. Yeow!

I fear these updates aren’t going to be very exciting for the next while, as I’m putting most of my “spark” into work and evening classes (college). That said, things should get pretty interesting once I get some of the old stuff up and doing so will very likely spark new stuff. So hang in there with me… it will definitely get more interesting.

Aside – I recently offered to barter site hosting and development for artwork. I just love being able to help someone realize this stuff isn’t THAT difficult and, for a little innovative perspective, can easily be had at reasonable cost or even for barter. We’re meeting Sunday to discuss and I can’t tell who is more excited about it. I’ve been missing the ‘just because’ lately and am very happy indeed to have another opening for it upon the horizon.