General update

Well, the first semester of the college year is done. I am relieved. The one instructor that was such an absolute horror managed to get in a last swat at me as I was departing. She made a point of running my penultimate assignment (resume and cover letter) through the mill and damn near crowed when she though she found “similarities” to a sample resume online. I’m very proud of myself for not pointing out to her that terminology and phrasing of resumes tends to run rather standard for certain industries (technology in particular). I also didn’t point out that the University itself doesn’t consider it “an issue” unless the percentage of similarity is greater than 35% (it was 20%).

I feel for people like that. I mean, really, how utterly miserable a person must you be to need to be so abysmally nasty to others so regularly? I almost swallowed my tongue laughing at how she spent the last day (after my complaint landed) sprinkling sugar and nice-nice all over everyone else in the class and trying to entice them into saying nice things. As if that fools anyone. Ugh.

Anyway… done and done and happily so. Moving on to (hopefully) better instructors and certainly more engaging topics. This semester finds me with Critical Thinking and General Writing classes. These will carry me through end of year and into February. I’m excited for both classes, as they are led by people with rather impressive biographies and backgrounds. I’m pretty sure the level of quality will be appropriately higher.

Hm. What else? Ah, I will spend this holiday busier than expected (a nice change). I’ve a party to attend this Saturday, another the following Wednesday, and will spend the holiday proper with co-workers and good friends at their house. No idea what of the new year, if anything. The company’s holiday party is slotted for after the new year, the 16th of January to be precise. I suspect cost-cutting in effect… who has ever heard of a holiday party so completely AFTER the holidays? Not that it really matters but for the oddity. It will be a nice evening in a nice place with a nice dinner and a chance to kick back with co-workers and friends. I’m looking forward to it.

Let’s see, what else? Oh. The transition at work is nearing completion and I am very happy for it. I can’t say much more than this at this time, but just know change is coming, I am smiling, and life is good.

Otherwise, not much to report. I’m settling back into my solitude, thanks to the ridiculous experience recently set behind me with “that fellow”. I suspect (and pity) the next fellow has his work more than cut out for him. I’m increasingly of the mind that it just isn’t worth the hassle and heartache, this whole “relationship” thing. I mean, really, I can be lonely and feel misunderstood all on my own, thankyouverymuch!

So. There you have it. Life goes on, as do I, and the majority of it all, by far, is quite well indeed.  Once the new han(g/k) drum arrives, I intend to either get back to recording or seek out a group to play alongside, and perhaps both!

Hope life is treating you well, and thank you for visiting!

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