Of holiday cheer and such

It is an odd holiday for me this year. Mudita in effect, smiling for the smiles around me, my gifts to others more intangible than is the usual holiday fare. A contribution to a gathering and feast sits, cooling, upon the stove. My visitors of earlier, now departed, still the warmth of the moment remains. I bask in it, replete and content, the evening visitation; a time of tea and tellings, has delighted as only can a well shared moment.

Tomorrow, a movie with a friend and then, a drive to the feast. Undoubtedly the phone will ring as much tomorrow as it fails to the rest of the year, but I find it a merry thought and not the dour comparison it must seem. That it rings at all is enjoyable and the notion of happy voices with happy tidings (and my own, given to whomever fails to dial me before I, them) is its own enjoyment.

Until then, quiet thoughts of those in far places for whom I care. The litany of names and peaceful thoughts of yearnful yuletide missing is a gift. It is better to miss someone than to mourn them and the certainty of many (most? all?) finding company, closeness, and care makes me smile. I think this time of year most magical, for all it sometime seems over-burdened by commercialism. The veil of distance and dogged distractions – life, work, et al – is lifted and, for a brief while, we remember that the thing that makes life sweetest and most memorable is far more those with whom we share it than anything.

As odd as it may sound, my heart is heavy with happiness. It feels full; brimming and sloshing for the feeling that people for whom I care are anticipating delightful response from others, are preparing and happily contemplating any number of versions of the welcomed return, the confirmation of the tribe; a ritual of acceptance, belonging, and validation of many things.

Though we walk what sometimes seems the lonely mile
Though life may, on occasion, feel bereft of care
There are moments of reunion to make us smile
With those whose presence all woes forebear

I hope the holiday and this end of year find you cosseted and close to those who best remind you that you are loved and that your presence in this world is, for more than you may be aware, a decidedly positive, delightful, and precious thing.

A merry and healthful holiday to you; A joyous and contenting time of rest and respite; May the memories made here, in the twilight of the year, be rich with savor, free of sorrow, filled with delight.

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