Internal conversation (rant)

Were I in any way prone to refuse or avoid the learning of this lesson, ongoing events make it painfully obvious in ways that insure my careful attention. This, an internal conversation after yet another instance of someone trying to foist themselves on me when they know their presence is unwanted.  If I must make a formal complaint, I will.

Trying to interact with me? Again? Still?

Are you insane or just stupid? Or is it that you think I am?

How can you try to talk to me as if you think there is any reason left in life that I could possibly want to speak to you?

You lied to me. You deliberately and with intent deceived me. You took information given to you in trust, in confidence, and you carelessly, thoughtlessly spread it around amongst your friends; information and details that were personal and private in nature. You are doing it still. It has reached me. I know about it. I am embarrassed and humiliated because of your thoughtlessness.

Why would I possibly want to talk to you?

What insane delusion flutters about in your head that, given the above, I could possibly have any opinion of you other than the one you’ve so adroitly confirmed: That you are, in fact, the worst and slimiest of betrayers?

How is it that you can manage to think there is anything of you that even remotely remains of interest to me?

Surely even YOU cannot be THAT blind.

I may have to interact with you professionally, but do not make the mistake of thinking that means what you’ve done is forgotten, that you are yet forgiven, or that you will ever, ever again be trusted in any way, for any reason, at any time.

Leave me alone. Seriously. Stop trying to talk to me as if there is any reason I could ever want to see more than your back, heading the opposite direction. If you cannot or will not back OFF, you will leave me no choice but to take action that I am certain you will dislike to ensure that you do so.

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