Random evening thoughts

Things have lightened up considerably since the recent decision. I spent tonight going through what was rapidly becoming a new email archive and obliterated it. It felt good. Liberating. History is a ghost whose grasp is only as strong as we allow. I think about where I am, where I’m headed, and I chuckle to myself and am relieved to have had near misses (all things considered) and relish the thought that it could not possibly be better than it is in this moment.

I am feeling the freedom again; rushing roses and heady warmth. I don’t think I will give this up, let alone easily. Oh, a laugh for the thought that ever I should!

There is a change in trajectory and target in process. I smile secretly for unexpected things and a soon to arrive moment in which many things will suddenly be other than unappreciated and taken for granted. It is a good feeling to once more have the sense of certainty in relation to the unspoken “this” that you, alas, cannot be told… yet.

The nice thing about life is that you really can do precisely what you want to, so long as you don’t mind the responses or reactions around you. Not only this, the thing that keeps you stuck, trapped, or otherwise feeling contained is YOU.

I remember; I smile.

p.s.: The nose is happy. This too, is celebrated. 🙂

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