Surprisingly, house-hunting!

Well. Thanks to the herculean efforts of a seemingly tireless agent, it looks like my house hunt is not only back on, but damn near progressing to the point of an offer. I’ve found a swank little bungalow in my favorite, bohemian part of the city and wait now for the agent to tell me we’re square for putting in an offer. Best of all, if all goes to plan, I’ll not have to touch my bonus to get this deal closed. This means that not only will I have a home, I’ll actually still be able to pay off (or dang close to it) my car.

Life really could not be better. I’m jazzed. Jazzed, I tell you! (Well, ok, a nice shot of steroids for the sinus infection that has smoothed out this illness quite well DOES have something to do with the whole “jazzed-ness”.)

So. Back to work (thankfully!) tomorrow and we’ll see what the week brings on this here house hunt. Send good thoughts my way, will ya? If I pull this off, I’ll pretty much be in the high cotton and happy in ways I didn’t think I’d manage for another two or three years.

A bit of insight: I got to Seattle in 2008, the culmination of a ten year dream that has coughed and wheezed in and out of possibility for damn year eight of the ten years prior. Upon arrival, I landed what was effectively my dream job, within eight months I was in my own place for the first time in almost ten years, with better and more reliable wheels under me, and pretty much the world on a string. The only thing to make this lovely life of mine complete would be to stop tossing money down the drain in rent and get me into a house. So… not bad for a woman who essentially crawled up from the pit following the devastation of the dot com bust (and I do mean devastation; lost the company, the house, the life savings, the car, all of it).

Let’s just say that if I manage this so far ahead of intention (by about two years, really), you’ll be hearing me singing and dancing up a storm from wherever it is you are reading. 🙂

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