Son-rise and other asides

Yes, I still log activity and yes, I remember how you arrive, and yes, that video included you, too. Good to see you checking in, even if silently. I hope all is well with you.

In other news…

Final 1 is done. Final 2 is set aside until tomorrow night, after the house tours and the decision on whether or not to make the offer. The weekend is chock full of things, though mostly obligatory rather than entertainment related. I may take myself to the movies just to get out from under things for an hour or two. Friday morning is work (half-day), afternoon is house tours, evening is Final 2 (thesis) and then, collapse. Saturday is an all day seminar for certification and likely another collapse. Heh. Sunday is a day of rest (or at least, not leaving the house).

We got word this week that bonuses are coming on the 11th. The only thing remaining is to hear the percentage. I’ve a couple of things riding on how it turns out, so I’m antsy. Suffice to say between the above and this, I’m revving a bit higher than is usual. I’ll be glad when the question marks resolve and I can get back to the quiet life I’ve been enjoying these last months.

Not much more in this moment. Tired and maybe finally able to sleep… I’ll soon see.

Be well. 🙂

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