Flashpoint and focus

In an unexpected explosion of energy, I have completed all but one of the assignments due this first semester week. There is nothing but participation requirements (two posts a day for four days) and that last assignment to be through week 1.

I. Am. Smiling.

In other news, tomorrow morning I meet my agent at 8am to view a house that I fully expect I will be tendering an offer toward. The timing of it all is (as usual?) skating on the razor’s edge. To accomplish the biggest motivating goal, I have to get an offer accepted by this Friday. Mind you, that has not at all rushed my selection. Over the course of the last two weeks, I’ve scanned/viewed/researched damn near 300 properties online and eliminated all but four. Of the four, three already have offers. The one that remains? You guessed it; tomorrow morning.

I am feeling a bit spikey. I chalk most of it up to the stress of a combination of rather intense finals, the house hunt, the recent prohibition, and certain internal changes that I’m not (yet) willing to spell out. It’s an interesting time and as such, I’m reveling in the experience of it. This said, I’ll be content when things settle a bit. It’s amusing to me, though. Scant weeks ago, I was bemoaning all this quiet peacefulness. Heh. That’ll learn me, won’t it? (Of course not. Hah!) I’m a scapper. I roll well with the punches. Here and there, I strongly consider tossing a few of my own, but since even my non-violence is so intimidating, I don’t let the real stuff come out to play. The various people that comprise my world are thankful, even if most do not know it. (wry grin)

Briquettes. Oh boy. There’s a story. I consider telling it and decide that it can and will wait. Suffice to say, I’m not one who holds this kind of energy until it explodes. Instead, I channel it into productive things.

There are pebbles skittering on an old, wooden attic floor. That’s the image that comes to mind when I think of this state of mind. Not at all disorganized, rather, sharply focused and so intent upon a goal that everything else simply bounces off and away. Don’t let the ricochet get you.

I am still somewhat amazed that I’m actually here, in this moment, perched on the precipice and ready to make the next leap. I’d call it one of faith, but that’s not really the right context. More like a leap of will. Will, actually. Hrm. Yes. Focus in effect. Now THERE is an old key phrase. I am trying to think of how long it has been since I so natually uttered it. Years; at least four. Wowsah.

Do you know what this means? Oh boy. I do.


‘Bout damn time.

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