The real estate rollercoaster

So. An offer on the house, made today. The relief of having made a decision, regardless outcomes, is intense. I feel drained and rubbery, like the breath within is the only thing keeping me standing. Heh. I will sleep well tonight.

Of course, now that the offer is in, it’s all about hurry up and wait. The seller’s agent (a bank, actually) says they will be reviewing offers next week. Naturally, this is intended to imply they have more than one. We don’t know that’s the case, but I admit, it is likely. I’ve already decided I’m not willing/able to pay more for the place considering the weight I’d have to pull to get appliances, manage the ending of the lease here at the apartment, paying movers (since I’m an arthritic thing and cannot lift more than 30lbs) and then, all the rest (i.e., transferring utilities, buying food, making it to the next payday(s) after closing, et al).

So. Waiting to see. If this one doesn’t fly, there’s the red house yet. And if not that one, then, back to the hunt. Or a decision to wait and see how things shake out later in the year. Tough call on that, though. I’m not deciding until I have to…. =/

Reviews for the year are in place at work. Another pebble out of the sack. The rest is just maintaining until a clear direction shows itself.

Not much more to say, really. I’ve put out the call to friends and what family I have in relation to potentially seeking advice and assistance on the appliance issue should this pull through. Most likely I’ll visit the nearest restaurant outlet (recycled/refurbished appliances) rather than try for anything new unless someone feels especially generous (let’s just say I’m not holding my breath on that, heh).

In the meantime, working ahead in the college semester so as to ensure breathing room when things shake loose. Seriously considering taking my vacation to effect the move should it all work to plan. It would be helpful to be able to move at leisure rather than trying to manage it over a weekend. We’ll see.

I am likely to bed earlier. Netflix via wireless and propped on pillows until my body relaxes enough to let me sleep. Interestingly, it’s never my mind that keeps me awake; always tension in the body. What I wouldn’t give for a solid massage or someone to just lightly rub back, arms, and legs and let me drift off. Perhaps someday.

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