Housing update (evening)

After some flipping and twisting in relation to appliances, costing, and related matters, I’ve come to a reluctant decision to rescind my offer on the beach house. Fortunately, it is not a heartbreaker, as I already had another house in the same (general) location selected in the event it came to either a bidding war or the need to do this.

I am meeting the agent on location at 8am tomorrow to look at the backup house and, if all looks as good on site as it does online, to set the full price offer in effect and then, once again, take up the wait to see whether or not there are other offers.

The good news is, this house has been on market for a little over a week (whereas the one I found at the beach was snapped up the day after it appeared). There’s a lesson in this, but I’m sure it’s obvious so I’ll not detail it. Heh.

The good news about the backup house is actually manifold:

(1) Total mortage with all taxes and insurance comes to roughly $20 more a month than I’m paying in rent.

(2) It is closer to the ferry.

(3) It is closer to the township proper (convenience).

(4) It has appliances!

I’m past the first blush/rush of feeling like I “have to get this done” and have found my way at last to the comfortable place where I know it’s “Just a House” and that getting all emotionally wound around the axle for it isn’t the way to go about it. (chuckle) I’ve bootstrapped the old mindset and it’s helped quite a bit. I had forgotten just how pragmatic I can be. In this moment, I’m happy to remember it (all the moreso for the ripple effects in other areas).

So. Tomorrow brings another trip across the water and another opportunity to explore. Pleasant things.

Life is good. :)

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