Personal humor

Now I know this probably won’t be funny to anyone but me, but I’m sitting here just about to weep from laughing over the last day’s antics. Suffice to say, you know you’re spending entirely too much time at home when a simple introductory effort sends you revving off into the weeds; making mad “doughnuts” for no reason at all.

Hah! I remember a time when such a thing would have been purely impossible, so mind you, I’m not complaining. But, in typical fashion, I haven’t enough sense to squirrel myself away. Oh no, not me. I just bust out all up in the middle of the town square (so to speak). I admit, that was a bit mortifying, but only because it feels (in retrospect) as if I must have looked quite the righteous fool. As in felt cap, bells, and more than a bucket of insanity.

Still funny, though. Especially the part when it occurred to me what was happening and why. Poor work-a-day girl. No wonder she’s all spun out of control and chittering like a chipmunk. Well. Ok. Noted and recognized at last. I’m just going to have to do something about it. But, for now, I’m kind of in aftercare mode. (chuckle) Peaceful music, mantras of serenity, reminders that it’s ok to look a fool now and then; it’s when you try and deny it that you run the real risk of becoming one.

So. Supper done, homework almost the same, laundry spinning, and apartment in order, I’m going to take it easy tonight. REAL easy. Hah. And tomorrow? House hunting and a spot of active presence in the evening. I’ll smother the giggle and just say that I think I can look forward to it with a smile.

It occurs to me that my friend is a much better friend than I hoped… both for understanding and for not turning a moment’s foolishness back on me with a vengeance. I appreciate that. Quite a lot, actually.

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