Merry morning moment

I am reminded of a piece I wrote not long ago, on being the fool you are…. most cannot read that word without negative connotation these days, but then, most never were that prone to manifold mentality. Heh. I don’t mean that (as you know); most are quite prone and certainly open to possibility for it, if you manage to snatch them from the mainstream and remind them what it feels like not to be inundated and overwhelmed.

A fair and fascinating night, two rounds of REM for good measure, and more genuine contact than I have known in years. Stars! How I adore the deep dive. It’s all nebulous and vaguely drawn, these words. Deliberately, of course. A hint of it, a light perfume on the softest breeze that you just happened to catch only because you are paying attention. I’d serve more, but I’m feeling selfish; all curled around it and mantled and protective; whispering mantras of warding and cocooning it with self; willing to make myself the armor for it… as you will, but touch not this thing!

Hah. Merry, indeed.

Work soon, a house viewing tonight, homework thereafter. I decide at last to look in this area rather than north because I cannot find anything north that is both affordable and free of rapidly deteriorating community. They say this area is ‘coming up’. Research indicates there is some validity to it. I suppose we’ll see, won’t we?

Updates as events warrant, of course. On the house, anyway.

It is nice to have this fluttery feeling and not find someone’s foot immediately in place to flatten it.

Quite nice indeed. (smile)

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