Mid-week resolution

Now that the spate of frustration and anger have come and gone, I feel mostly relieved. Resolution, an immutable period at the end of the sentence, an ending, albeit temporary when one looks at it with the long view.

There is a part of me that is chuckling already for the utter lack of attachment. Hurray! I manage it. Shifting smoothly from the Focus of the last almost two months; away from housewarming thoughts and toward how to carefully slice the little pie of funds.

It’s all budgetary baboonery, of course. Two accounts, paid in full and tires for the car along with a repair to the shift lock that has annoyed the crap out of me for the last three months. The remainder, transferred to savings; a beginning of a pearl, the process of slowly laying greenback over the irritant of the recent effort until, one day in the not-too-distant future, I’ll once more undertake the effort and next time, without having to gauge distance and trajectory to clear the flaming hoops of an all too disorganized bureaucracy.

The only remaining question, if I want to move north and find another apartment or not. I am undecided and have a month (or so) to decide. I intend to take my time doing so.

Other than this, back to the usual routine; work and school and likely not too terribly much more but for the occasional delight (perhaps?) of spending time with friends and maybe, maybe, a certain star-eyed one who has recently appeared on the periphery and who, I hope, is closing distance.

Consider me smiling softly at that notion, for I am.

Happy Wednesday, folks.

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