A mild rant on the singular mindset of some men (and other things)

Honestly, sometimes it is just downright humorous how some menfolk act. I have (reluctantly) had to close off a friendship with someone who just could not seem to understand that friendship is an active participation, not some odd “when I need you, you be there, but until then… you’re on your own, kid” kind of thing. When I expressed this and made it clear that I no longer wished to hear from him, can you guess the reaction?

If you guessed “automatically assume I mean romance”, you got it in one. Projection, much? (wry grin) Not that it makes any difference; in fact, that almost makes it more ridiculous. Oh, let me get this straight: You knew I was only interested in friendship, but the first chance you get to toss the suspicion as to ulterior motive, you do?! And as a topper, use that as if it is somehow either a valid accusation or reason for the whole “sit right there and wait for me to decide to stay in touch” thing?

I auto-forwarded his emails right back to him and, on my end, to the trash. Meh. Done and done.

In other news… here I sit in the third semester of this college year and be damned if I’m not doing the same things I did in the previous two:

(1) Prove you know how to construct an outline.
(2) Prove you know how to support an argument.
(3) Prove you know how to correctly format APA citations.
(4) Prove you know how to take the previous three and translate them into a thesis.

Gah! I cannot believe I am paying this kind of money for this kind of redundancy; spending hours each week conducting new research (as the topics change), but ultimately having it be the same “lather, rinse, and repeat” as before and before…. is the average student really this obtuse that it takes three semesters of reiteration to achieve retention? I think I shall claw the walls if next semester is more of the same. In fact, this begins to make the notion of triple tuition costs to accelerate things with CLEP and Excelsior PLA attractive. I mean, shit, I can write twelve papers and be DONE with this degree and do another twenty and be DONE with the next one, too.

Well, ok, at $150 a pop, that’s $18,000 and I don’t quite have that laying about in pocket change, but grrrrrrrrrr…. I swear that this is going to wind up making me mental. Can I just say how utterly disappointed I am to find that “higher education” seems to be much more about how well you mind the method than what you’re actually learning? Or how depressing it is to consider six years of this just to have that pretty piece of paper with the raised seal and acronyms? Or how clear it becomes that “formal education” is far less about discovering knowledge than it is dutifully swallowing and then, regurgitating whatever are the latest, greatest, most popular theories and opinions of academia at large?

I had this ridiculous thought that I would be able to explore things that were new. That I would be challenged at more than having patience in the face of repetition like feels not so much like learning as it does Chinese water torture. Silly me. (sigh)

Surely when the core arrives next semester, it will be more and better than this. If not, I really cannot justify it. Not even for pretty paper and acronyms.

Meh. Seriously. MEH!

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