Sulky Sunday

Today is a sulky day. Not me, mind you, the weather. It’s all gray, over-cast, barometric pressure fluxing like a geriatric trying to hula-hoop. I am riding the waves of ache and pain and comforting myself with Ibuprofen and caffiene. Thus far, it is working, so I am content.

The semester ends today and finals are in…. I aced the thesis work in both classes, but tanked the formal exam in one. As I’ve said elsewhere, it’s kind of nice to be able to tank a test and still wind up with a high B. (I do not test well, but I’m a wee bit miffed that the test was asking about fairly granular terminology that wasn’t part of our coursework. Meh. Anyway. Done and done.)

Next up, ethics and some humanities. This should be interesting; I’ve not had much exposure to either in any formal way (though I’ve spent some years researching and tracking things of personal interest). I suspect this is going to be the first set of classes that actually present new things and I’m looking forward to it. 🙂

As far as the interpersonal goes, I’m three weeks (Friday) from a week long visit by a new friend. I’m looking forward to it for numerous reasons that I’ll not detail here.

Other than this, not much to report. Looks like Monday’s classwork is wrapped today, so I have a night off. I think I’ll hit up Socrates Cafe and hope for something interesting. If not, there’s always coffee and those lovely High 5 Pies.

Hope the weekend treated you well.

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