Day Two Review

I’d usually say two days is far too short to have an effective status on anything but, in this case, the numbers tell the tale (and are pretty fooking amazing): first glucometer reading last night was 384 (panic-inducing) with the first Metformin tablet oozing into my system and tearing up my stomach in the process.

The morning’s reading was an amazing 151. The afternoon reading was 181, but expected after a lunch. Second dose went down the hatch with lunch and the next reading is tonight at 10pm, but I think it is safe to say the crisis is largely averted so long as I behave myself and stick to the dietary plan (you better believe I am doing that).

So, a happy beginning to the weekend. I’m looking forward to medical release. Release is quite probable, now that it’s official that I’m either not arthritic or that the majority of my symptoms have actually been caused by diabetes rather than arthritis. (Confirmation waits for June to be official, but is largely agreed at the moment by both the Rheumatologist and the General Practitioner.) It galls me to think of 17 years spent letting my body fall out of shape for medical restrictions that were unnecessary and misdiagnosed, but I suppose it beat 18 or 25 or 30 years, so I’m setting that aside and letting it become history as it should.

In other news (wry grin), turns out the car has a busted right front rotor. The vibration issue combined with the braking and hard accelerator pedal turn out to be symptoms thereof. I’m in a rental car for the weekend while they work up the quote. It’s sounding about $800. I count myself fortunate to have set aside money every month (go go financial cushioning!) and it is all but certain this is the last of the major repairs for the time being…. relief.

All in all, a good weekend. I intend to take it easy; perhaps a movie tomorrow, but not much more. A paper due Sunday, but otherwise, all caught up on school work for the week; not bad, all things considered.

Best of all, I’m actually feeling better; I had not realized how grumpy and down I was until I wasn’t anymore. Heh. At this rate, I should shed this cocoon soon and then…. look out world! (grin)

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