Elliott Bay Books (and more)

Finally got the chance to cruise this place. Nice setup and atmosphere; all creaking floorboards and the slight scent of something that roughly approximates must. A fairly eclectic inventory, though not enough science fiction or fantasy for my liking, but I forgive them for it because of the excellent expanse of Buddhist works. I picked up Trungpa’s “Ocean of Dharma” and Chodron’s “No Time To Lose” and will be making my way through them slowly as practice takes the stage for the next while. On the more entertaining side, I selected Gibson’s “Idoru” and for inspiration and general delight, Macy & Barrow’s “A Year With Rilke”.

I was tempted to hang out and read, but the place was a bit packed and I get too absorbed in things to forget about the purse and netbook at my feet so, reluctantly, I made my way home. (There will be other times, particularly once I get moved and it’s closer.)

The decision to scout town on the weekends to find my “Third” (and fourth, fifth, etc) place is underway. I undertake the effort both to familiarize myself with the area and to get out of the house a bit more; I’m surprised how much better I’m feeling since starting the Metformin and find I feel mildly astonished for realizing how worn down and glum I had become (even as it is demonstrably due to a ridiculously bad bout of blood sugar). I feel… peppier, lighter, “good” in a way that makes previously thoughts that I was well or good seem somewhat foolish.

Oh, icing on the cake – my good friend (S) is arriving next Saturday for at least two weeks of visitation. I’m enthused, excited, happy, and filled with anticipation. Good friends are damn hard to come by and our six month plus “long distance” friendship has been both enjoyable and frustrating for it. It will be nice to actually spend time together, roam and wander, giggle and gossip, but most of all, be able to sit close and see one another as we do so. 🙂

On the newsfront, I am (at long, long last) going to pick up the threads of possibility and put myself to getting the three books that have been running around my head “onto the page”. The way I figure it, anything that is brass enough to still be here after damn near 25 years deserves a bit of attention. I can hear the cheers of certain friends (who have long been nagging the royal fuck out of me to do this), which makes me chuckle. Yes, yes, ok, ok, I’m DOING IT, alright?

Anyway, that’s ’bout it for now. I’m off to read a bit and then, outline the sunday assignment for writeup tomorrow.

Hope the weekend treats you well.

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