Another ‘medical’ week…

Revisiting for follow-ups this week; Metformin dose being doubled in light of positive effort and dietary changes on my part. (Apparently, the doctor was in need of seeing it to decide if Metformin would be enough or if she was going to have to put me on Insulin; good grief, the notion that people might be in my situation and NOT take it seriously and make significant changes to their lifestyle and dietary choices to mitigate is both boggling and sad. Quite literally, it makes me feel badly for them…. as I said to someone earlier today, “Life is much too short as it is; I cannot think of a reason to seriously grant the reaper chance to shorten it still further.”)

In other news, (S) departs on Wednesday for Oregon and visiting other friends. I find I shall miss the company more than I thought I would. But! It is nice and good to have another strong friendship and perhaps he is serious about moving down in the future. One can hope.

As for “all else”, there’s really not a lot to report. I’m preparing to start boxing up things I haven’t looked at in a bit of time (not to mention the whittling away of things that have eclipsed the six month mark as per the usual “keep it simple” mindset). I find I’m looking forward to lightening the load, to making the donations locally, and knowing that someone who needs them will receive unusual good use of very lightly-used items.

Creativity remains on the ebb, though I have been giving thought to getting “the books” into Dramatica Pro (finally got it and got it installed, but have been a bit busy with the whole diabetes thing and I find the lull timely). I am somewhat surprised I remember them all so clearly; it’s been what? Damn near 15 years since I gave any of it a real effort. I suppose the old axiom is true, though (at least, I find it so in my case); one doesn’t write because one likes to or even wants to, one writes because one must. It’s a compulsion really, and I suspect my days of only allowing it intermittent expression are coming to a close. (I am unexpectedly enthused at the idea.)

That’s it for now, I reckon. I’ll end by noting that my energy levels are rising auspiciously in response to this medical treatment and the changes coming with it. (I may be repeating myself here, but) I did not realize how poorly I was feeling and doing until I began recovering. My friend (S) today made me laugh by agreeing wholeheartedly with me when I said to him, “You know, if people think I’m hard to keep up with now, just wait until I have my usual energy levels and health back in hand.” (Of old, close friends and even family have tended to refer to me [not always discretely] as “a force of nature”; I adopted it more or less as self-deprecating humor since I do not really see that as a compliment. I find, oddly enough, that I am looking forward to reclaiming any, if not all, of it. There are many things long overdue in my life and it is high time I went about obtaining them.)

So. The update for this week, barring any additional developments. I suspect college work and employment will keep me too busy to do more than peep here and there (though perhaps I will find a small slump when (S) departs and I am once more listening only to the things spinning inside my own head… reckon we’ll see how that runs, eh?).

Hope life and others are treating you well. (hug)

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