A little less of me…

Here’s an interesting thing — I’m losing weight. I haven’t made it to the gym just yet (holding until after move to get that in gear), but counting this week (a little over a month and a half now) I’ve lost about 15 pounds. Turns out I wasn’t eating enough. Hah! This definitely gets chalked up under the “Things I once knew and forgot along the way” category; you have to have at least 1500 calories a day or your body starts the ‘hard winter’ dynamic, slowing your metabolism and generally hording as much into fat as it can manage.

This makes me smile for the not-too-distant future and making good on that promise that most of you will not recognize me in another six months.

Not much to report, really. I’m heading into finals this week and have two large papers to turn in by the end of the following week, so the quiet here will likely continue a time; particularly with the move hitting in the second week of July. All in all things are going along nicely; work has evened out and I’m managing some social activity (gasp!) here and there, too.

Out of words and time, so will end here for the moment. Hope your moments are enjoyable and life is being good to you.

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