S’pose it was bound to happen sooner or later

Judging from a few interesting emails of late, it seems I have at long last been targeted by someone for online impersonation. Poor fool, I cannot imagine how or why they settled upon me; I’m the nearest thing to a “nobody” imagineable but for a brief blip on Usenet and a (relatively equally) brief blip in relation to H.B. 1630 (GA) in the ’90s.

All the same, it seems someone thinks I’m worthy imitating. What’s that saying about the sincerest form of flattery? (wry grin) A quick look reveals limited efforts beginning somewhere in the mid 2005 – 2007 timeframe and apparently, trailing off considerably since (Usenet archives reveal they were roughed up a bit for the mistake of spamming advertising… heh).

Suffice to say, unless I am writing you from my well known and well publicized addresses (bonnie at this domain or b.l. nadri at gmail), it isn’t me.

As for my erstwhile mimic – you’ll find I am woefully difficult to successfully imitate, but I will be amused to watch you continue trying. 🙂

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