Woah (doosy of a cold)

Woke up Tuesday morning feverish and with a brick on my face. Wound up taking roughly three hours of a nap on my kitchen floor (apparently a fever spike). I don’t even remember going down; I was trying to get a cup of water and never made it. No bruises, so maybe I folded rather than fell? Who knows. Woke up with both cats flanking me, curled up and watching me. Staggered back to bed and slept the rest of the day. Day two, today, was mega dose Vitamin C, mineral infusions and tea, and water, water, water, water. As of about 4ish the fever is finally gone, so it’s back to work tomorrow (now that I know I’m not contagious). The rest will just have to work itself out. It’s down to sniffles and the cough here and there at the moment; I’m hopeful that being serious about bed rest and the vitamins, et al has run it off before it could really take hold.

Not much else to report, really. Final due on Sunday and I haven’t even started it. Ugh. Missed two mandatory diabetes classes because of this illness, so having to reschedule them as well. Meh. Timing.

Otherwise, all is well. The ECC came back normal, so I’m cleared (at last) for the gym. Mammogram is normal as well so, barring anything ELSE turning up unexpectedly, I’m DONE with medical until mid-year, next year (hurray!).

That’s it for now. I’m finally sleepy so I’m going to take advantage of it before my sinuses realize what I’m up to and shut down. (Sleeping on my stomach for now, mouthbreathing for the win! *wry grin*)

Hope you are well. (hug)

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