The increasingly intermittent update!

Holy moley, it’s been a year already? I received a “happy anniversary” email from the university today and was genuinely surprised to find that a year of study has elapsed. The current semester is one elective (World Literature) and one core (IT-Design) class; both will be pretty much breezes. I’m doing assignments weekly in advance to take advantage of this and savor some “free time” since next semester is my “crunch” (All Math. Ugh.)

The literature class I am already deeply enjoying as it is permitting me to stretch my analyst’s perspective as well as indulging my enjoyment of word play and rhetoric. I’ve spent this week completing every assignment to the precise maximum word count and “having fun” by writing to the 4th year college level, averaging paragraphs that are correctly formed, but contain no more than two sentences (semi-colons and commas for the win!), and generally demonstrate that one may observe the method of the general form and still dance close enough to its boundaries to effectively thumb one’s nose at it.

Mind you, not rudely; all inflection and tone are appropriate and pristinely accurate for the environ and purpose. Still, I know (and grin to know) that my instructor is, even now, pegging me with any number of labels; I can but hope that most of them are not rising from annoyance. (I mean, I would find such a display refreshing; I am hopeful they will, too.)

In other news, work is becoming interesting again for several reasons that I am not at liberty to fully discuss or disclose. Suffice to say the end of this year and much of next will be “interesting”; I hope only that it is more in the American, delightful sense than the classic Chinese one.

Not much more to … oh, hah, wait. I just realized, I have not posted about the most amazing and joyous news! Well. (cough)

You may or may not have noticed that, of late, I rarely if ever post on the topic of romance, men, or relationships. All things considered (most of which linger behind the veil here, actually), much of what I would say has been largely unworthy of free broadcast. I suppose titillation and sensationalism is interesting to some, but I have long lost my wonder or curiosity about either.

Things. Have. Changed.

Not only am I blissfully, fully, and bemusedly involved with a fantastic fellow, he is moving out here in January to be with me.

Short story: We have known one another for 17 years all told, most of it at distance of either literal or figurative kind. This past August/September (Labor Day), we reunited to spend time and refresh one another on ourselves. The outcome on both sides being so intense and immediate that we have decided it makes no sense whatever not to embrace it, explore it, and see where it leads.

So we are. 🙂

Now. NOW I can say, “Not much more than this…” but, as I’m sure you might guess, I am saying it with a decidedly merry twinkle in my eye.

Hope life is treating you well and, if not, I hope it changes for the better very, very soon. (hug)

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