Me spree!

So this weekend was the random reward moment; the moment in which I decide that I’ve been straining hard enough, long enough, and have been “a good girl” (i.e., staying on budget, accomplishing goals, generally doing responsibly and well at life overall) for a sufficient period of time to justify a blip of utter liberty and indulgence. Succinctly, this is called a “me spree”.

I got a good haircut. I got a good hair color. I got a new digital camera. I wavered on that last one, with recent events being as they are, but ultimately decided that life tends to sort itself out, and I **have** several legitimate reasons to invest in a new one what with stock and digital art still happening (or it would be, were my camera not four years old and starting to act weirdly). So. Justified. Done.

Naturally, this meant a bout of utterly silly camera fun. I video taped a tour of the apartment for my friend over in the UK, I completely pissed off my cats chasing them around trying to get shots (failed, miserably, but I’ll get you yet, my pretties!), and even goobered around a bit trying to get some decent shots of the new do/color.

Of the four, one of them came out so hilarious that I’ve decided to put it up here. (Kind of a practice, keep the ego in check thing.) I call this my “super secret alter ego”, AKA “Super Dork”. Heh. As goofy as this shot is, I think it will do a grand job of keeping the ol’ vanity from ever getting out of hand.

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