Intermittent Update for 2011 – The first

So, the semi-intermittent update… settled into the “new” apartment (transferred from a 2/1 to a 2/2 with better layout, more light/windows), started the new job, still plugging away at college (though now officially considering stopping after this first degree for reasons previously mentioned), and generally loving life.

J’s presence is indescribably good and beneficial to/for me. I’m tempted to ramble on this (and could for quite some time) but suspect it’s both “too much” (if you read here and have had access to the things now veiled, you know what I mean) as well as tempting karma to do so. I resist. Heh.

The coming week marks the first payday from the new job and the return to “the routine” of a working life. I have to admit, having almost six months off to relax and unwind was a windfall of wonder; this said, I was beginning to get decidedly antsy and bored, so good timing all the way around.

Healthwise, things are stable. I’m very close to coming off meds and managing with diet and exercise alone. Not pushing for it, but definitely being mindful. June is the six month checkup (no more quarterly ones, thank goodness) and I expect to be well within norms for a diabetic, trending to the low end and (if fortunate) a classification of “pre-diabetic”; which just means I’m clear of the life threatening aspects of this. It will be a relief.

Not much more, really… I am calm and contented in every way, a decidedly new and truly refreshing thing. Best of all, perspective is shifting and making it easier to remain so.

As I said… life is good. 🙂

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