How do you spell relief? C-L-O-S-E-D.

Trust me on this one; after almost two months of back and forth with the seller, an extended bout of bureaucracy courtesy of both HUD and the bank intending to purchase my loan pretty much as soon as my mortgage company issues it, and the final spasms of updating, re-re-re-re-re-validating information I already sent over months ago, and generally being run through the wringer forwards, backwards, sideways, (and I’m pretty sure they ran me diagonally, too) I finally (a) had loan documents issued, (b) had the final HUD authorization issued, and (c) signed those bitches and made the sale official.

Apparently, Washington state is different in that the order of progression neither requires all parties to be at the same table, nor is it a “fait accompli” until the deed is registered with the county. This cannot happen until the loan documents are received by the funding lender AND that funds transfer to the mortgage holder is complete.

What do it mean, you ask? Well, technically, it means that while we closed today, I won’t actually get the keys until either tomorrow or Monday.

On the up side, it also means that all things I needed to do are done, we’re closed but for the paperwork routing the last two steps (which is nothing more than a matter of a day or two), and the ridiculous weight of stress and strain is set down, never again to be hefted. And believe me, it will not again be hefted; not for refinancing nor for any other reason if I can at all help it. This place I intend to remain within until I shuffle off this mortal coil and, while I know I cannot guarantee that will be the case, I can guarantee that nothing short of outright disaster will change my intent and mind on the matter.

The move is slated for June 17th and I am currently coordinating for pre-move installations (i.e., blinds/drapes, security system, and washer and dryer, and oh, a mailbox… ). The rest is little more than cardboard and shipping tape, the movers are booked (heh, yes, we budgeted for this), and the hardest part of the coming move will be transporting Daka, Dakini, and Dana; this, something for which I am quite grateful, indeed.

If you were ever inclined to toss a little help my way, this would be a grand time to do more than think about it. We’re not hurting, but it’s going to be pretty damned tight through August and, well, I’m not ashamed to say so. Either way, we’ll manage, but figured as long as I’m rambling ’bout it, I’d just put it “out there”.

I’m not real sure if we’re going to “do a house-warming” and, if we do, it’s mostly going to be more about sharing the delight of finally accomplishing this with my friends than anything; maybe a BBQ or something, I’d love to whip up a southern-style meal for those here in the PNW who may not have ever had the enjoyment of one. Hmm.

Not much more, really, except to say that I finally understand the meaning of the phrase “palpable relief”; most of the stress in my life has been heavy weight over time, the kind that you never knew as such until it was gone and even the departure was over time, so the ultimate sensation was neither that you carried weight nor that it was relieved. This, on the other hand, has been near four months of suddenly descending, steadily increasing stress that has damn near crushed the figurative spine (mostly an ocean of unbelievable redundancy and re-issuance of paper that, frankly, has boggled me beyond all conveyance; I swear, I do not understand how THIS qualifies as efficient, helpful, or ‘a productive way to go about things’), relieved as suddenly and fully by closing as it was rendered at the point of engagement.

I figure it’s probably “a good thing” in that it reminds me of what once was “the norm”, even as the perspective has so greatly shifted “since then” that the thought I ever bore such stresses (and then some) frankly astonishes me.

Yeah, blah, blah, blah, of course. Still, a bit of an eye-opener; I think you don’t always realize how much you’ve really managed until something that feels similar sneaks up on you and surprises you into remembering it and thinking of it from “safe distance”.

Anyway… done, done, and happily so. Looking forward to the move. 🙂

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