Gaming Update – tracing futures

I am surprised by how much I am enjoying Phantasy Star Online 2 (finally on steam!) – completely free to play with shop that lets those who want to support free play for all buy all the pixel pretties they desire.

Suspect this is where Koster 🤩 is heading with the “Playable Worlds” offering, but since they’re not out of stealth, only time (and marcom) will tell.

I predict that Koster’s offering will be In the cloud because server farms on land is just so… 1999.

I predict that it will arrive with procedural code generated worlds because modular is MMOs future.

I predict that it will arrive containing procedural and randomized AI NPCs

I predict that it will eventually extend the AI NPC model to world elements, weather, and even, possibly, creatures.

I dream that it may offer an AI world-as-seed. shiver That potential makes me hope there is actually hope remaining for the sandbox MMO as a concept.

Current reading (glances to the right) seems to indicate there’s no reason this can’t happen… just means outspending everyone to be the first.

You know, like EQ did with 3d worlds.
Or like DAoC did with Realm v Realm combat.
Or like SWG did with socially relevant mechanics.
Or like WoW did with usability design for user interactions.

You know… actual innovation. Clearly the market will accept just one, but only the big boys get that sometimes, you can corner a market just by being willing to outspend to get there. (Another concept that gaming is finally starting to grok.)

Coffee is mighty good this morning. I’mma go kiss my husband thank you now…. have a good one.

June 2020 –