Life is precious

One of the things I always felt certain of, since I was a child, was that every life mattered to this world. I felt this deeply and without doubt; it was true for animals as well as humans. I could not explain how and why I knew this, but I knew it through me – brain, blood, and bone.

As I have lived and experienced this world, I have come to understand that most humans do not think this at all, let alone have a deep and doubtless conviction about it. I think most humans are not in touch with this world; our shared biosphere, its co-inhabitants, and the marvel that is its set of systems, all of which are designed over billions of years to sustain us so long as we operate and live within their boundaries of symbiosis.

These days, I feel very cut off from this world. I yearn to return to the land and live closely to it, but it seems I will never have this gift as the overbuild of humanity and all its sick culture and society make it impossible to just return to the land. They all assume ownership of the planet in ways that make impossible any effective return to it.

Except, I suppose, the last return, but even then raw burial is no longer legal in most places. The only way you can manage it is to allow them to burn you and return the ashes, which seems an almost vengeful spite on the part of humanity.

to go to that home \ a last hug of loam and dirt \ give back to this world

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