So much dust! (rebuilding)

After years, several domain moves, and a slew of attacks by life, this place is back… kind of. (read on…)

You will note that there are gaps and most of them are massive, months or years even. (sigh)

You will also note that many posts claiming to have media do not, in fact have media. This is because said media was lost due to bad backups (ouch) or lost drives (again, ouch), or may not be lost, but will require manual effort and time to locate and replace.

I’ve tried to leave actual URLs in place, so if you’re interested, you can look them up, but many have rotted since the original time of post and unless the ‘wayback machine’ has them, they’re just… gone.

It is going to take me no little amount of time to comb through them all and get them back in order, so I beg your patience between now and then.

Additionally, I’ve had to strip categories and tags just to get a lot of the posts integrated, thus will need to recreate and retag and re-categorize over time. So, again, a bit of a spaghetti bowl and only one of me, and essentially time will be the only rectifying factor.

Given I’m (still) out of work, hopefully this will not take as much time as it feels it will in this moment, but I reckon we’ll see.

More to come. Debating putting up a subscription button for those who might wish to be notified but, facing reality, the only human who has ever managed to read all of this is me, so I doubt it’s necessary. That said, if you want to convince me otherwise, feel free to hit up the ‘contact’ form and let me know.

Hope life is treating you well and, if not, that you receive the energy and support you need to get through it. As always, thanks for being here.