His name was you-ness an’he was a lil cock
First to drop a fist and double aught in stock
‘baccy chewin, racist brewin, I took one on the chop
he left me on a byway, he took my son full op
you-ness and his childhood sweetheart made my life a total hell
you-ness and his new wife stole my son from me as well
you-ness took it all but I lived to tell the tale
you-ness used the courts to my rights blackmail
blackmailed by the courts when eight months pregnant
capitulate to terminate my son’s maternal right
thinking when he’s 18, I could explain it
then our future surely would proceed aright
twenty-three and a mom again, how the time flew
ten years of peace and then two of war sapped my youth
economic need put me on highways no few
trying to stabilize and find my inner truth
my daughter with her father as I sought work on the road
a two year plan to a reunion I looked so forward to hold
then came the bubble bursting and then was 9/11
then came layoffs and sleeping in cars
then came homelessness again and the angel of exit 27
then came a gaming hero, play them Blairstown bars
then at 14, my daughter rejected me and departed
then at 37, once more, life must be restarted
finally the tether broken, away to the west i flew
from elevation found tokens, as dreams I began to renew
continued to fall for promises that were ever broken
stop and start as trust decays… harder words never were spoken
my only remaining family are children that refuse me
I understand their reasons but they on mine only confused be
I never could be the house mouse, Mrs. Saver
I never could be the at home spouse, Mrs. Cleaver
I never could heel or make much as a retriever
Finally figured out they always play deceiver
If my parents could only see me today
Who am I kidding, they proper gave me away
Who am I kidding, they’re both dead in graves
It will now always be this way
It will now always be this way
It will now always be this way
It will now always be this way
It will now always be this way
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