Nash-ing my teeth over ultimatum games (thoughts)

An outline used as self-work.

Two individuals, who are capable of reaching an agreement, have several possible agreements that they would prefer to accept rather than remain in disagreement.

Some of the agreements are better for one person and others are better for the other person.

One of the people has taken up the role of the proposer and the other becomes the responder.

The proposer must offer a proposal for an agreement and the responder must accept or reject the proposal.

If the responder accepts the proposal, the agreement is executed.

If the responder rejects the proposal, the two people part ways without an agreement.

This is called “The Ultimatum Game”. It is called this because the proposer is giving the responder an ultimatum.

I am not willing to be a responder. I do not and will not play ultimatum games. They infringe upon my agency, my inherent value as a human being, and the energy, effort, and devotion I have given toward doing my best with what I have in this life.

I reject en totale the role and title of “emotional traumatizer” as it demands that I accept an unjust accusation/conviction of intention and motivation.

I reject en totale the role and title of “trust breaker” as it demands that I agree that I have knowingly committed a violation of trust. I have no such knowledge.

I reject en totale the role and title of “unsafe” as it demands an accountability of me, individually, for circumstances and environments that no human being has the power to control, let alone control fully. All accusations of “unsafe-ness” are defended by the reality of survival. (Did you survive? Safe enough.)

There are several agreements that I would accept rather than remain in disagreement. I have expressed them in as many ways as I know how to you.

As “proposer” in this ultimatum game, you have rejected them all.

Now, again, you present me with the one solution you will agree to and which you know I have been consistently rejecting for nearing seventeen years.

I think seventeen years is long enough to wait for someone to realize they are attempting to play an ultimatum game with me.

I do not play ultimatum games. As a involuntary responder in this one, and in the interest of a perfected bluntness, all these words, to end very simply:

I resign.

Game over.

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