wonderful monday

wowsah, what a day.

i am fairly boggled by how beautifully all things seem to be moving of late. the transition into professional services is officially complete, salary and cards and blackberry and all. heh.

there’s talk of a number of national stops. one of which concerns me mildly, but i laugh it off. i’m pretty sure there are plenty of office space in that downtown area that are nowhere near a certain library. recent efforts to shift out the last of the thoughts and set them to grave are all but done, and thankfully so.

and oh, california. but i don’t know when. heh. master sergeant will smile. i’m already doing so.

international will likely arrive third quarter if all things proceed as i sense they will. possibly london, which also makes me smile. two good friends for some years at distance wait me there.

today found laurels and praise arriving like rainfall. it feels so amazing to just be appreciated. i suppose that will sound a bit sad, but it isn’t. it is good just to be around people who know how to appreciate and who can receive such as well as tender it.

pleasant times. heh. master sergeant has more than once said, ‘about time, i think!’ and while there is part of me that surely agrees, i tread carefully there for to avoid the sense of resentment that has no place in this moment.

this, a lesson recently arrived in relation to a number of things… as quantum thoughts continue and i allow their presence to sluice out as needed.

on a somewhat humorous note — had reason to make use of a piece over at splice that i normally wouldn’t have considered… but bpm search being as it was, it was the only one that really fit. went back today to listen to it again and see if perhaps the song would work without it and discovered its creator had placed “notifications” about notifications.

i shook my head and sighed for it.  reminded me of the old carly simon tune, ‘you’re so vain… i bet you think this song is about you.’

i suppose some things just never change, but thankfully, many others do and in this moment, an almost chuckle for the narcissism of it. whatever warped need requires such thoughts, may it be met in every way until it exhausts itself, so long as it is met as far from me as is possible.

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